Total trip tally

After flights, insurance, visas, travel costs and shopping indulgences, the total tally comes to around $13,000! More than I planned to spend but not so bad for 4 months of travel.

Travel costs by country (excluding flights between countries and shopping purchases):

13 days in HK/China $452.50

2 weeks in Bangladesh $323

2 weeks in India $233

2 weeks in Thailand $419

3 weeks + 1 day in Malaysia $1064 + $340 diving = $1404

2 days in Singapore $84

6.5 weeks in Australia $3930 (5 weeks really if you consider I was living and working on a boat for 10 days)

Long distance flights, visas, insurance ($680 for one year travel insurance!) $4250

4 months of shopping and indulgences $1700

Hmm… Could have done with fewer shopping purchases and indulgences I think! And could have tightened the belt a bit more in Australia, where I often went out to eat instead of cooking. In India and Bangladesh we often had a lot of freebies, so travelling there again on the same type of trip would cost more than what I listed. Eventually I gotta start making some money once my year off is up so I can save up for more travel…

1 thought on “Total trip tally

  1. That’s a good chunk of change. If you take out the flights and insurance, it’s not too bad. Australia sounds pretty rough though in terms of expenses. In the long run though, the indulgences don’t too matter much. How can you really put a price on a life-changing experience right?? Hehe.

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